This simply has to be unprecedented in the history of sports. Three players in tonight's Monday Night Football game, three!, have had pictures of their wieners published on the Internet.
(Obviously, those are all pictures of wieners, so if you're not in a place, physical or emotional, where you can safely look at pictures of wieners, don't click through.)
I don't know what's more disturbing, the fact that three guys in the same game have had pictures of their wieners on the Internet, or the fact that I was watching the game and realized that three guys in it had had pictures of their wieners on the Internet without even having to check.
And for those of you who are going to say there's no proof that Brett Farve's wiener has been seen on the Internet all I can say is, if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck... it's Brett Favre's wiener. And moreover, where there's smoke... there's Brett Favre's wiener.
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